Listen to The Okay Lakes' debut single, “Sleeveless Hearts”

Check out the first single off my upcoming debut album, "Redshift"

Listen to The Okay Lakes' debut single, “Sleeveless Hearts”

“Sleeveless Hearts” is the sound of those final summer nights of late adolescence—boisterous, bleary-eyed, epic.

Lyrically, the character in this song reminds me of being in my early 20s. Of drinking late into the night because what the hell is a tomorrow. Of being the type of person whose idea of a fun night is one that devolves into bottomless arguments about philosophy, religion, politics, or some other topic about which everyone involved knows nearly nothing. Of being the type of person who quotes authors they haven’t read. Of being old enough to have one toe in the real-world, young enough to not feel its consequences yet, and naive enough to be certain that you understand it all. Of having “no knowledge and boundless conceit,” to quote the sort of author this person might quote (despite having not read them).

I don’t view the character in “Sleeveless Hearts” with derision: I still reach for the comfort of someone else’s certainties when the doubts and anxieties of the real world start to tug at the edges of who I am. Ultimately, this song is a reminder that so often what bothers us about someone else is what bothers us about ourselves—especially our past selves.

Sonically, I wanted the intro and verses to sound like a bonfire being kindled, crackling, roaring up, and smoldering to coals; I wanted the choruses to sound like logs being tossed on the fire to extend the night; I wanted the bridge to sound like embers being kicked up and swirling amongst the stars. I wanted an outro that would make me want to dance and sing like I do when I’m drunk and happy and don’t care how stupid I look or sound.

I hope it makes you feel the same.

Album Trailer

There’s a lot more music coming. And it’s coming soon. 👇