The Life I'll Leave You

Lyrics for the song off the album "Redshift" by The Okay Lakes

The song art for the song "The Life I'll Leav" from the album Redshift by The Okay Lakes. An original painting by David Bez.

Do those sirens always blow?
Did this time bomb finally explode?
They want you all in cities now
Herded on the coasts
The center cannot hold
And you’ll be armed with nothing but your conscience when it goes
If you make it out you can stay with me, yeah

Cuz this ain’t the life I’ll leave you, no no
This ain’t the life I’ll leave

Did those shotguns start at dawn?
I could’a slept through Stalingrad
I let the neighbors hunt the land
I know they’re men of God
The cellar’s stocked for survival
And I’ll spend my last days arming for a war I will not fight in
There’s a lot that they can take from me, yes

But that ain’t the life I’ll leave you, no no
That ain’t the life I’ll leave

You’re hardly here when you’re home
It’s like you’re in retreat
Like you see some threat I don’t
But I’m not afraid for my own life

I’m afraid for the life I’ll leave you
I’m afraid for the life I’ll leave you

You’ll be in your bunker too someday
Yes, you’ll be in your bunker too someday
Yeah, you’ll be in your bunker too someday
Oh, you’ll be in your bunker too someday

© Jordan Keller 2023