Hallelujah Clouds

Lyrics for the song off the album "Redshift" by The Okay Lakes

The song art for the song "Hallelujah Clouds" from the album Redshift by The Okay Lakes. An original painting by David Bez.

Let a light down through the clouds
I swore this storm would break by now
It billows and it drums
But nothing ever comes

And my heart is wearing out
Beaten like a cornered mouse
Hoping for a sign
A peace I just can’t find

What if nothing ever comes?
And everything is never enough
To raise me from despair
The weight when nothing’s there

But still I wait my turn
As if mercy might be earned
And weren’t some random pattern in the sky
And still I sing this prayer
Though I know there’s nothing there
There’s a light I’ve felt
But every time it fell
My chin was tilted down

There must be something here
There must be something here
There must be something here

© Jordan Keller 2023