Watch a live, solo version of “Cracks”
A stripped-down, live, solo version of "Cracks" from our debut show at the Hideout in Chicago last August

Happy Bandcamp Friday!
Today, Bandcamp waives all their fees and passes them onto artists. So, if you’re the type of person who likes to pay musicians directly for their labor—perhaps for a carefully crafted album which that artist spent many years working on and which they only recently released—today’s the best day to do that! You get an actual download so these songs wont disappear when your streaming site of choice goes belly up.
In totally unrelated news…
Check out this live solo version of “Cracks,” which I performed during our debut show at The Hideout back in August.
You can watch the video on YouTube. And/or you can pay for a download available exclusively on Bandcamp. It won’t exist anywhere else, except in the private music library of a discerning music lover like yourself.
FOR SALE: Album Art Posters – $15
Redshift album art posters are now available! 12x18”, unframed

🎂 Happy 1-Week Birthday to Redshift 🎂

Thank you to everyone who’s reached out and shared their reactions to Redshift. Extra special thanks to everyone who came out to the release show on Sunday.
I’ve read (and been genuinely moved by) every single message. Countless times during the making of Redshift I threw up my hands and thought, “Well… who gives a shit? There’s more than enough music out there! Who needs this?!”
It’s meant a lot to hear what your favorite songs are and what parts of the album you’re connecting with.
Thank you.