Hello. It's your pal, Jordan.
I have some songs I want to share with you

You’re getting this message for at least one of the following reasons.
One: because you subscribed on your own already. Or, two: because—if I recall correctly—an exchange like this happened between us at some point:
- We talked about music
- I admitted I write songs
- You asked if my songs were available to listen to online anywhere
- I mumbled something like, "Uh, no, not really" and changed the subject
- You told me to let you know if I ever had music to share
I have music to share
Spoiler alert: We're putting the finishing touches on a batch of songs we've been working on for a long time now.
I’ll be releasing everything this fall under the name The Okay Lakes. It’s a solo project, but it also isn’t. I was fortunate to receive so much help from friends and musicians who became friends, who played instruments, sang, co-produced, engineered, and contributed their own ideas to make real a lifelong dream of mine. There will be tons of music, videos, and stories to share soon. But…
I only want to bother sharing all of that with you if you're interested.
So: If you want to hear everything before everyone else—and if you didn’t already subscribe to our mailing list—tap this button.
I promise you’ll only hear from us if we feel that what we’re sharing is better than okay.
If you don't want another email showing up in your inbox: I get it. There are a few other ways you can stay updated: Visit our website from time to time. Or follow us on your favorite social channel. But we'll have a lot more to share on the rest coming soon.
And, if you have zero interest in hearing about any of this, no worries. We won’t bother you again.
One more thing. For our Chicago friends…
See our debut show: August 2 @ The Hideout in Chicago

We couldn't be more thrilled to be playing some of our soon-to-be-released tunes live for the first time on the hallowed stage of The Hideout. It’s long been one of my favorite venues in the city—a place where I’ve seen some of my favorite songwriters live. If you're going to be in Chicago on August 2nd, come on out to say hi IRL and hear the debut performance of some of our tunes.
Just in case it's not clear: you are not subscribed to anything (unless you already were before receiving this).
This is a one-time letter to you, a person in my life who—to the best of my recollection—expressed some interest in hearing my songs once, likely long ago. I'm figuring out how to go from never talking about my art to talking about it a lot. It’s a little uncomfortable, to be honest. I hope this email was a pleasant surprise and in no way a nuisance.
I can’t wait to share what’s coming next.